Friday, October 12, 2007

Green Chocomacananner Smoothie

Greens go great with raw chocolate. I prefer spinach because of its neutral flavor. In this case, I used some lovely kale I'd just picked up, but that has a much stronger flavor.

4 C. quality water
2 bananas
handful greens (approx 1. C)
1/4 C. hempseeds
2 T. raw cocoa powder
1 T. maca powder
1 T. raw honey
1 T. coconut oil
1/4 t. himmy salt (Himalayan Crystal Salt)
1/4 vanilla (optional)
2 C. ice

Blend & drink.

1 comment:

The breakfast club said...

Dear Angela,
I'm not sure you'll read this or if you're still posting!
I wanted to say that I think you are an awesome person and your blog is like this cosy, hopeful place. I very much enjoy reading it.
Hope that you are doing fabulous, and at the very least you've inspired one person with ur site (me hehe) but I'm sure there's many more!
Much love and best wishes to you!
Annemarie from The Netherlands.